『語用論研究』第16号 (2014)
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柴崎礼土郎:直近のアメリカ英語史における the problem is (that) の分析 ―構文の談話基盤性を中心に― (Reijirou Shibasaki: Explorations of the problem is (that) in American English: With Special Reference to Discourse Functions over the Past Couple of Decades) |
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Lars Larm: Modality Packaging in Japanese: The Encoding of Modal Meanings and Subjectivity |
研究ノート/Research Note
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西田光一: 日本語の自称語を使った広告から見た支出と発話の共通点 (Koichi Nishida: Notes on the Comparability of Expenditure and Utterance in Relation to Japanese Advertisement Featuring Self-Reference Terms) |
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市村葉子・堀江薫: 若者の自然会話における「の(φ)」の伝達的機能 ―男女間の使用差と「んだ(φ)」との機能分担に着目して― (Yoko Ichimura and Kaoru Horie: The Communicative Functions of no (φ) in Natural Conversations among Young People: Focusing on the Differences in the Usage of no (φ) between Men and Women and the Functional Divisions of Labor with n da (φ) ) |
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山岡政紀: 久保進(著)『言語行為と調整理論』 (Masaki Yamaoka: Speech Act and the Theory of Regulation by Susumu Kubo) |
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武内道子: 大津隆広(著)『発話解釈の語用論』 (Michiko Takeuchi: Pragmatics of Utterance Interpretation by Takahiro Otsu) |
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滝浦真人: 金水敏・高田博行・椎名美智(編)『歴史語用論の世界』 (Masato Takiura: Horizons of Historical Pragmatics: Grammaticalization, Politeness and Speech Act eds. by Satoshi Kinsui, Hiroyuki Takada, and Michi Shiina) |
101 | 日本語用論学会規約/『語用論研究』投稿規定 |